A Comprehensive Guide To Conjunctivitis

Posted On : June 21, 2023 By : adminCategory : Homeopathy 


Many times, we heard from our elders that eyes are very sensitive. Be careful while playing, studying, and working. It comes in the main organ of our body. Sometimes other organs can be healed if damaged, but eyes cannot or are too costly to replace it. For normal people also have to do operation of cataract once in a life it means eyes also required servicing. Now at the age of 5 children use specs.

We do not have a shortage of diseases in the surrounding area. One of the dangerous diseases if not treated well is called Conjunctivitis. It causes painful inflammation, redness and swelling in eyes. It also throughout discharge from eyes and if not treated well then there are chances of making pus in the eyes. It is caused due to allergies or bacterial viral infection.



If you are suffering from conjunctivitis then don’t touch or rub on infected eyes, don’t wear or never share your contact lenses, wash your hands and keep your eyes clean, use a warm compress and stay at home till it will turn into normal.


Treatment for Conjunctivitis : Mostly conjunctivitis happens to small children, and it is very harmful for babies if giving chemical drugs. Homeopathy medicines are 100% natural, and it won’t harm our body. It is safe and also beneficial for long term treatment. It directly works on the root of diseases and kills it. So, there are no chances for rebirth. Our Mindwell Doctors analyse cases well from the last 13years.


To Book your appointment for Expert consultation for Homeopathic treatment, Yoga and Diet visit www.mindwell.co.in or call us at +91 9819901406 / +91 9819904411.